We provide a wide range of professional courses for Early Years and Primary School staff.
Improving outcomes for children.

Inclusive Practice-relating to Race, Ethnicity and Culture

This informative and resourceful course provides an opportunity for EYFS practitioners to examine their current practice and identify gaps in practice. It will explore ways on how settings can value, embrace and celebrate the rich culture and languages of their diverse community. 

Course aims:

  • Provide opportunity to examine and identify the gaps within the inclusive provision 
  • Develop practitioner knowledge of key strategies in addressing address provision gaps 
  • Support the next steps in the development of inclusive provision within your setting

Suitable for: EYFS practitioners and providers, childminders, teachers, managers, leadership, governors

Equality and Equity in Early Years: 

Talking about race, racism and diversity in education! 

(Part 1 - This is a 2-part course and we recommend attendance to both sessions for maximum benefit) 

This session aims to explore the current debate about racism. It will draw on the current context of living in 

Modern Britain and help practitioners and managers to understand the impact on the children from the BAME 


Course aims:

  •  Expand your understanding of bias/racism within education 
  •  Help to debunk the myths and understand the current terminology 
  •  Equip you to recognise how to challenge stereotypes, implicit bias and racism 

Suitable for: EYFS practitioners and providers, childminders, teachers, managers, leadership, governors

Talk in Early Years:

Boosting the language development of children, in particular those from the BAME groups and learners of EAL


This informative course addressees the concerns in language development of children from BAME groups and learners of EAL. It provides a great opportunity to identify key barriers for language development; to explore effective early intervention strategies and to review resources for developing emergent talk. 

Course aims:

  • Improve understanding of language development 
  • Greater awareness of successful strategies and resources for addressing language development 
  • Enhanced skills in effective use of resources 

Suitable for: EYFS practitioners and providers, childminders, teachers, managers, leadership, governors

Making the most of the ‘story telling’ in Early Years.


Dust off those story sacks and rejuvenate them to make language development exciting and effective within your provision. This course will support colleagues to review the use of the story sacks and offer an opportunity to explore their wider use within the teaching and learning. 

Course aims:

  • Increase your knowledge of the broader benefits of story telling
  • Support planning for effective language development of storytelling 
  • Develop confidence in the enriched use of story sacks across the curriculum 

Suitable for: EYFS practitioners and providers, childminders, teachers, managers, leadership, governors

Language Development and EAL

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